Honors and Awards
2018-2019 Fulbright Creative Arts Grantee
Wrote and researched a novel about Korean folklore in South Korea.
2016 Rhodes Scholarship Finalist
Finalist for the Rhodes Scholarship in District VII
Writing Achievements
2020 Mendocino Coast Writers’ Conference Voices of Diversity Scholarship
Received scholarship for Julie Buntin’s Master Class at the 2020 MCW Conference.
Novel Cheonjimun won second place in MCWC 2020's Novel Contest
2020 Anspaugh Fiction Award
Awarded at the University of South Florida for Fulbright novel, Field of Mosquitoes
2020 Estelle J. Zbar Poetry Award
Awarded at the University of South Florida for poetry portfolio, Black Mouth
"The Road So Black and Narrow" – Short Story
After discovering that she's a pregnant, a twenty-three-year-old woman gives herself a weekend to complete her bucket list and decide whether or not to keep the baby.
Semi-finalist in ScreenCraft's 2018 Short Story Competition
Published in PANK Magazine Issue 14 (Spring 2019)
2016 Saul Zaentz Innovation Fund Fellowship
After his wife dies as a result of police brutality in Baltimore, a father must figure out how to raise their biracial daughter on his own.
Screenplay, Excessive Force, developed with the Oscar-nominated screenwriters of JFK and Bulworth.
"From the Mouths of Babes" – Short Story
A lone survivor explains the disappearance of Roanoke Island's Lost Colony.
Johns Hopkins 2015 Basford Prize in Sci-Fi and Fantasy Writing Winner
Top Ten Finalist in ScreenCraft's 2015 Short Story Competition
"Hook, Line, and Dead" – Flash Fiction
Death, imagined as a fisherman, fights to reel in a soul during a fire.
Gray Matter Press' 2014 Flash Masters Winner
"Magnum Opus" – Short Story
Two screenwriters argue over how to start their masterpiece.
Johns Hopkins University's J.Magazine 2015 Editor's Choice for Prose Winner
"A Map to Your Madness" – Free Verse Poem
Shortlisted in Duckbill Anthology's Annual Prompt Competition